The most, it would appear that the HR certification examinations like PHR, SPHR through the HR Certification Institute are taken in high consideration. After all, you can browse through HR job postings without seeing the necessary “PHR or SPHR required” towards the end of the post.
![SPHR sample questions, SPHR question bank, PHR practice test pdf, sample SPHR questions, SPHR practice test, PHR practice test, PHR sample questions, sample PHR questions, PHR practice exams, Human Resources, HRCI HR Professional Question Bank, HRCI HR Professional Exam Questions, PHR, PHR Question Bank, PHR Body of Knowledge (BOK), PHR Sample Exam, HRCI PHR Quiz, Professional in Human Resources, HRCI HR Senior Professional Exam Questions, SPHR, SPHR Certification, Senior Professional in Human Resources, SPHR Sample Exam, HR Senior Professional, SPHR Body of Knowledge (BOK), HRCI SPHR Quiz, SPHR Question Bank, HRCI SPHR Exam, HRCI PHR Exam](/files/processexam/download/The-Difference-Between-PHR-Certification-and-SPHR-Certification.png)
You might be asking yourself whether or not the tests are worth it. After all, it invests of your time and money. The certifications and examinations are optional, so it is not like you need to get them to get started in your HR career.