You have to pass the SHRM-CP exam to receive the certification from SHRM. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this sample questions. Our Sample SHRM Certified Professional Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the SHRM-CP exam.
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SHRM Certified Professional Sample Questions:
01. Which selection tool should be used to fill a vacancy that requires managing multiple priorities and working under pressure?
a) Cognitive ability test
b) Background check
c) Behavioral assessment
d) Academic transcript
02. Which action best fosters high ethical standards in an organization?
a) Establishing an anonymous reporting hotline
b) Adopting a corporate social responsibility policy
c) Distributing the employee handbook annually
d) Providing manager training on codes of conduct
03. When developing an emergency disaster plan, which activity occurs during a vulnerability analysis?
a) Identifying key products, services, and operations and evaluating their reinforcements
b) Determining the likelihood of potential hazards and their effects on the business
c) Assessing available internal and external resources and establishing emergency contacts
d) Working with an insurance carrier to analyze exclusions and areas of exposure
04. A VP of talent development requests a two-day communication skills training for the team. The VP and the trainer meet for a planning session. The VP explains the department is working on several key projects and it needs to improve its effective communication to be successful.
During the training session, the trainer observes an apparent lack of trust and openness among team members, which causes some team members to withdraw from the training activities. The VP receives feedback from managers that indicates the session did not go well, so the VP requests a meeting with the trainer.
After the training session is complete, which step should the trainer take?
a) Review the training evaluations for the session.
b) Debrief the VP on observations during training.
c) Meet with the team's supervisor to disclose findings.
d) Calculate the return on investment for the session.
05. A VP of talent development requests a two-day communication skills training for the team. The VP and the trainer meet for a planning session. The VP explains the department is working on several key projects and it needs to improve its effective communication to be successful.
During the training session, the trainer observes an apparent lack of trust and openness among team members, which causes some team members to withdraw from the training activities. The VP receives feedback from managers that indicates the session did not go well, so the VP requests a meeting with the trainer.
Which action should the trainer take to improve group dynamics?
a) Conduct a team performance appraisal.
b) Provide coaching to high-performing team members.
c) Assess levels of trust among team members.
d) Schedule an offsite team-building activity.
06. Several raters evaluate job descriptions and arrange them according to their value to the company. Which job evaluation method are the raters using?
a) Classification
b) Ranking
c) Point factor
d) ​Market-pricing
07. Which strategy best facilitates internal transfers and maximizes flexibility when assigning pay levels?
a) Adjusting pay based on comparable worth of jobs
b) Minimizing overlap between pay grades
c) Implementing a broadband pay system
d) Adopting a seniority-based pay system
08. Three product leads from the research and development division of a software company meet with an HR manager to discuss the performance problems of a project manager. Each product lead reports encountering similar issues with the project manager.
The biggest problem is the project manager consistently promises products will be completed by a specific date and fails to deliver. During the discussion, the three product leads complain about losing customers as a result of the project manager’s behaviors.
Six months after the initial consultation with the HR manager, the division director asks for an update on the project manager’s progress. Which is the best way for the HR manager to show this data?
a) Prepare a detailed performance summary for each project over the past six months.
b) Schedule a meeting so the product leads can share data about customer retention with the division director.
c) Focus on the project manager’s progress toward time and budget metrics over the last six months.
d) Submit a report with detailed notes from the project manager's performance meetings.
09. Which activity best exemplifies job enrichment?
a) An IT employee researches how to resolve a software problem.
b) A marketing employee spends extra time developing new branding ideas.
c) A billing department employee is given the added responsibility of calculating payroll.
d) A sales employee is selected by a supervisor to mentor junior employees.
10. Three product leads from the research and development division of a software company meet with an HR manager to discuss the performance problems of a project manager. Each product lead reports encountering similar issues with the project manager.
The biggest problem is the project manager consistently promises products will be completed by a specific date and fails to deliver. During the discussion, the three product leads complain about losing customers as a result of the project manager’s behaviors.
The project manager says managing multiple large projects is too difficult. Which strategy should the HR manager use to best address this issue?
a) Hire a project coordinator to handle administrative project tasks.
b) Help the project manager break large tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.
c) Assign the project manager with a mentor to provide advice and assistance.
d) Ask the project manager's supervisor to temporarily delegate projects to other employees.
Question: 01
Answer: c |
Question: 02
Answer: d |
Question: 03
Answer: b |
Question: 04
Answer: a |
Question: 05
Answer: c |
Question: 06
Answer: b |
Question: 07
Answer: c |
Question: 08
Answer: a |
Question: 09
Answer: d |
Question: 10
Answer: b |
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