IIBA CCBA Certification Exam Syllabus

CCBA dumps PDF, IIBA CCBA Braindumps, free Business Analysis Capability dumps, Business Analysis Capability dumps free downloadTo achieve the professional designation of IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis from the IIBA, candidates must clear the CCBA Exam with the minimum cut-off score. For those who wish to pass the IIBA Business Analysis Capability certification exam with good percentage, please take a look at the following reference document detailing what should be included in IIBA Business Analysis Capability Exam preparation.

The IIBA CCBA Exam Summary, Body of Knowledge (BOK), Sample Question Bank and Practice Exam provide the basis for the real IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA) exam. We have designed these resources to help you get ready to take IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA) exam. If you have made the decision to become a certified professional, we suggest you take authorized training and prepare with our online premium IIBA Business Analysis Capability Practice Exam to achieve the best result.

IIBA CCBA Exam Summary:

Exam Name IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis
Exam Code CCBA
Exam Fee USD Application Fee: $145
Exam Fee: Member - $250, Non-Member - $405
Retake Fee: Member - $195, Non-Member - $350
Recertification Fee: Member - $85, Non-Member - $120
Exam Duration 180 Minutes
Number of Questions 130
Passing Score 70%
Format Multiple Choice
Books / Trainings CCBA Master Class
Schedule Exam PROMETRIC
Sample Questions IIBA Business Analysis Capability Exam Sample Questions and Answers
Practice Exam IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA) Practice Test

IIBA Business Analysis Capability Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring - 12%

Plan Business Analysis Approach - Skilled: Recommends action for selecting the business analysis approach.
- Skilled: Recommends action for level of business analysis formality.
- Skilled: Recommends action for identifying business analysis activities.
- Skilled: Recommends action for the timing of business analysis work.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of assessing complexity, size, and risk factors.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of gaining stakeholder understanding and agreement.
Plan Stakeholder Engagement - Skilled: Applied knowledge of stakeholder analysis.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of stakeholder collaboration.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying stakeholder collaboration needs.
Plan Business Analysis Governance - Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying an effective decision-making process.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of developing an effective change control processes.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of developing an effective prioritization process.
- Skilled: Recommends action for planning an effective approval process.
Plan Business Analysis Information Management - Skilled: Applied knowledge of how to organize business analysis information.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of determining the appropriate level of abstraction.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of traceability.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of planning for requirements reuse.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of storing and accessing business analysis information.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge on attributes for requirements and design management.
Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements - Skilled: Recommends action for reports on business analysis performance.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying business analysis performance measures.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of assessing business analysis performance measures.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of recommending business analysis performance improvements.

Elicitation and Collaboration - 20%

Prepare for Elicitation - Skilled: Modifies rules for the elicitation scope
- Skilled: Modifies rules for selecting appropriate elicitation techniques
- Skilled: Modifies rules for setting up logistics for elicitation activities
- Skilled: Modifies rules for preparing supporting elicitation materials
- Skilled: Recommends action on stakeholder preparation for elicitation activities
Conduct Elicitation - Skilled: Modifies rules for guiding the elicitation activity
- Skilled: Modifies rules for capturing the outcomes of the elicitation activity.
Confirm Elicitation Results - Skilled: Recommends action on comparing elicitation results against source information.
- Skilled: Recommends action on comparing elicitation results against other elicitation results.
Communicate Business Analysis Information - Skilled: Recommends action on determining objectives and format of communication.
- Skilled: Recommends action for communicating the appropriate level of detail.
Manage Stakeholder Collaboration - Skilled: Applied knowledge of gaining stakeholder agreement.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of monitoring stakeholder engagement.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of collaborative stakeholder relationships.

Requirements Life Cycle Management - 18%

Trace Requirements - Skilled: Applied knowledge of value and relationship considerations while tracing requirements.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying the relationships to track to effectively manage traceability.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of determining an appropriate traceability repository.
Maintain Requirements - Skilled: Applied knowledge of maintaining requirement and design information.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of managing attributes.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of managing requirements for long-term reuse.
Prioritize Requirements - Skilled: Recommends action for determining the appropriate basis for prioritizing requirements.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of guiding stakeholders through prioritization changes.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of prioritizing new information.
Assess Requirements Changes - Skilled: Applied knowledge of assessing the formality of the assessment process.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of completing impact analysis activities.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of guiding impact resolution activities.
Approve Requirements - Skilled: Applied knowledge of stakeholder roles and authority levels.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of managing conflicts and resolving issues.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of using appropriate methods to gain consensus about key business analysis information.
- Skilled: Recommends action for tracking and communicating approval decisions.

Strategy Analysis - 12%

Analyze Current State - Skilled: Recommends action for defining business needs.
- Skilled: Recommends action for the organizational structure and culture.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of the organizational capabilities and processes.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of the technology and infrastructure utilized by the organization.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of organizational policies and business rules.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of the organization's business architecture.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of the organization's internal assets
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of external influencers.
Define Future State - Skilled: Applied knowledge of articulating business goals and objectives.
- Skilled: Recommends action for determining the solution scope.
- Skilled: Recommends action for identifying constraints.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying potential changes to organizational structure and culture.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying new capabilities and business processes.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying new technology and infrastructure.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying new organizational policies and business rules.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of ensuring business architecture is respected.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of assessing resource alignment for future state and transition to future state.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying assumptions related to the future state.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of evaluating the potential value for the future state.
Assess Risks - Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying unknowns.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying and managing constraints, assumptions and dependencies.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of quantifying the impact of risk factors.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of assessing stakeholder and organizational risk tolerances.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of recommending an effective course of action.
Define Change Strategy - Skilled: Recommends action for identifying the appropriate solution scope.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of performing gap analysis.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of completing the enterprise readiness assessment.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of developing an effective change strategy.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of developing appropriate transition states and completing release plans.

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition - 32%

Specify and Model Requirements - Skilled: Recommends action for modeling requirements and designs.
- Skilled: Recommends action for analyzing requirements and designs.
- Skilled: Recommends action for identifying information for requirements and designs.
- Skilled: Recommends action for developing the appropriate level of abstraction to meet various needs.
Verify Requirements - Skilled: Recommends action for applying the characteristics of requirements and designs quality.
- Skilled: Recommends action for performing verification activities throughout the work.
- Skilled: Recommends action for using appropriate checklists for quality control.
Validate Requirements - Skilled: Applied knowledge in identifying assumptions in order to manage risks.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of defining measurable evaluation criteria to assess the success of the change.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of evaluating alignment with solution scope to support value delivery.
Define Requirements Architecture - Skilled: Applied knowledge of using requirements viewpoints and views effectively.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of leveraging templates to develop the solution architecture.
- Skilled: Recommends action for ensuring the set of requirements is complete
- Skilled: Recommends action for ensuring requirements relate to each other by identifying requirements relationships.
- Skilled: Recommends action for defining the business analysis information architecture.
Define Design Options - Skilled: Recommends action for identifying appropriate solution approaches.
- Skilled: Recommends action for identifying improvement opportunities.
- Skilled: Recommends action for allocating requirements to solution components and releases.
- Skilled: Recommends action for developing design options aligned with the desired future state.
Analyze Potential Value and Recommend Solution - Skilled: Recommends action for identifying the expected benefits of a potential solution.
- Skilled: Recommends action for identifying the costs associated with a potential solution.
- Skilled: Recommends action for determining the value of a solution to key stakeholders.
- Skilled: Recommends action for assessing design options and recommending the appropriate solution.

Solution Evaluation - 6%

Measure Solution Performance - Skilled: Applied knowledge in identifying appropriate measures for assessing solution performance.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of validating selected performance measures with key stakeholders.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge in collecting appropriate performance measures to assess solution performance.
Analyze Performance Measures - Skilled: Applied knowledge of examining collected performance measures to assess solution performance.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of highlighting identified risks.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying relevant trends.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of testing and analyzing performance measures to ensure accuracy.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying the root cause of performance variances and recommending actions.
Assess Solution Limitations - Skilled: Applied knowledge of identifying internal solution component dependencies.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of performing problem analysis to identify the source of solution limitations.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of performing impact assessment activities to quantify factors that affect solution performance.
Assess Enterprise Limitations - Skilled: Applied knowledge of assessing enterprise culture.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of completing stakeholder impact analysis.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of assessing solution impact on organizational structure.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of performing operational assessment.
Recommend Actions to Increase Solution Value - Skilled: Applied knowledge of ensuring appropriate solution performance measures are being used.
- Skilled: Applied knowledge of providing substantiated recommendations.

Both IIBA and veterans who’ve earned multiple certifications maintain that the best preparation for a IIBA CCBA professional certification exam is practical experience, hands-on training and practice exam. This is the most effective way to gain in-depth understanding of IIBA Business Analysis Capability concepts. When you understand techniques, it helps you retain IIBA Business Analysis Capability knowledge and recall that when needed.

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