ISTQB CT-ATLaS Certification Exam Sample Questions

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ISTQB Agile Test Leadership at Scale Sample Questions:

01. Which of the following shows how organizational learning can be promoted?
a) Documenting the result of an experiment in a local team repository.
b) Changing the organizational business strategy from cutting costs to market expansion.
c) Giving financial awards for the number of improvement ideas raised per month.
d) Making improvement ideas visible at an organizational level in a Kanban board to encourage discussions and experiments on how to improve across the organization.
02. A technology company that is co-developing a national real-time based weather information system must collaborate and integrate with the government meteorological organization, who have not yet fully adopted agile software development. This has led to a difficulty in deployments and releases that are not synchronized and hence is affecting integration testing.
Which of the below statements best demonstrates how to structure testing to resolve this challenge?
a) Shift-left to create clearer requirements which accommodate the organization’s less agile way of working.
b) Postpone integration testing and create more automated tests using mocked integrations.
c) Conduct a big room planning session to align development and testing of the two systems.
d) Initiate an adaptation of agile software development in the meteorological governmental organization.
03. Some of the agile teams in an organization frequently express concerns that their product owners heavily prioritize functional backlog items on the teams’ backlogs, which results in user story risk assessments being continually postponed.
Assuming these concerns are valid, what actions can agile test leaders take to encourage long-term solutions?
a) Implementing participatory budgeting at the operational level can highlight the need for allocating time to risk assessments.
b) Serving as a practice leader at the product level and participating in product owner communities of practice (CoPs) can help emphasize the importance and added value of risk assessments to all product owners within the product development teams.
c) Promoting test effort estimations at the organizational level can increase transparency and showcase the added value of all tests.
d) Introducing a management improvement service at the operational level can facilitate better discussions around prioritization.
04. As the test leader for a test automation team performing test automation in system testing for a product, you overhear a conversation in which a scrum master asserts that any interference with her team's definition of done by the organization is unacceptable.
In addition to talking directly with the scrum master, appropriate reactions could be:
(Choose two)
a) Look for ways to make your test automation in system testing optional for teams to encourage quality ownership at the operational level.
b) Collaborate with members of scrum master sync events to discuss how agile scaling frameworks see the team's responsibility for defining "done" and what your organization's view of it should be.
c) Work with testers who are part of the agile teams to add some entry criteria to the start of your test automation in system testing to better address potential deficiencies in some teams' definitions of done.
d) Make room in your test team's backlog to study the agile scaling framework's perspective on testing, so that members of your test automation team can share that perspective as they collaborate with the stream aligned teams.
e) Promote value stream mapping by providing examples of value stream aspects found in agile scaling frameworks as well as a future state map with clear accountabilities for definition of done.
05. You are in a public organization that has contracted an external software development company to deliver an enterprise-wide test automation framework that is used by multiple agile teams.
Which of the following statements is helpful in showing how test efforts can be coordinated across teams in both organizations?
a) Cross-team refinement in a shared product backlog that is accessible by the agile teams and the vendor would be a good way to decompose the backlog and reduce cross-team dependencies, as the external provider is tasked with delivering exactly what is ordered by the teams.
b) The vendor could be invited to quarterly release planning meetings, to align the product roadmap of the test automation framework with the needs of the agile teams that are using the solution.
c) It is NOT necessary for the teams in the public organization to understand the external party’s ways of working as long as all teams agree to collaborate.
d) Visualizing technical debt across teams with impediment boards or risk boards does not create awareness in situations where several teams are accumulating similar debts.
06. In a DevOps cycle that include the stages of monitor, plan, test, and operate, which of the following actions should be AVOIDED when contributing from a test perspective?
a) Inquiring about the test stage and asking probing questions to understand if the activities in this stage are necessary for a staged approach.
b) Inquiring as to which tools from the monitoring stage could potentially add value to test environments and conducting a brief online research to explore relevant tools.
c) Asking the team which backlog items addressing the needs of test environments should be emphasized in the plan stage and making tickets on another team’s backlog for communicating that early.
d) Exploring communication channels with operations specialists and offering to learn about their tools.
07. Why is quality coaching an important skill?
a) It supports an organization’s transformation toward business agility.
b) It reduces the burden on the individual in the test management role.
c) It helps negotiate funding at the executive level to increase the head count in a test department.
d) Developers will not succeed with built-in quality if testers do not coach them.
08. In your organization several agile teams are struggling with system integration testing. Although the teams plan to collaboratively perform End-to-End (E2E) testing at the end of each iteration, most of the iteration is spent by teams developing and testing their own software.
Additionally, individual teams sometimes fail to fully implement the agreed-upon scope of an iteration making their system incompatible with the output of other teams. The teams then perform E2E testing following a big bang approach but there is often not enough time to localize and resolve all communication issues and interface mismatches between systems.
As a result, there were several releases where the agile teams failed to deliver a fully integrated solution so hotfixes or rollbacks were required to restore the functionality of business processes. As an agile test leader, you are asked by corporate management to address this situation in order to achieve more stable releases without sacrificing time to market.
Which recommendations would be most likely to be helpful in the scenario described?
(Choose two)
a) Advise the teams to focus on running their own tests within iterations and perform E2E testing within a dedicated phase before each planned release.
b) Establish a team of external testers to take care of E2E testing.
c) Investigate whether coordination between teams is a problem for E2E testing. If so, try to refine the product backlog using big room planning to address dependencies between teams.
d) Support discussions on backlog for architecture and infrastructure revisions to support independent testing and release of system components.
e) Conduct a management review before every rollout to ensure that E2E testing has been properly performed.
09. Which of the following is the BEST example of how an organizational test strategy is created and evolved in a value-driven organization?
a) Since regression averse test strategies naturally come with high component testing coverage, a tester community of practice can vote with dot stickers to reduce functional regression testing on the system testing level.
b) A company using model-based testing interviews testers to reduce dependency on models because models are a heavyweight form of documentation that is not necessary in agile development.
c) An executive management team creates the organizational test strategy to which several agile test leaders provide input.
d) A group of people representing relevant functions and organizational units create the organizational test strategy facilitated by an agile test leader.
10. You are an agile test leader working at the organizational level of an organization introducing an agile scaling framework. Which of following activities will fit your role, the level and to the introduction of an agile scaling framework?
(Choose two)
a) Facilitate multi-team retrospectives and process improvement.
b) Help analyze trade-offs related to quality and testing by participating in the organizational budgeting process.
c) Help teams to identify waste using value stream mapping.
d) Support integration of automated tests into the continuous delivery pipeline.
e) Balance and optimize the introduction of new software, hardware and shelf ware to leverage business agility.


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: b, d
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: c, d
Question: 09
Answer: d
Question: 10
Answer: b, c

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