PSM II Certification Exam Sample Questions

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However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium Certified Professional Scrum Master II (PSM II) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual PSM II Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of Professional Scrum Master II exam questions. Professional Scrum Master Sample Questions:

01. Your company has notified the stakeholders that they will be delivering the first release of a new product within ten Sprints. On the seventh Sprint, the Scrum Team discovers that they will not be able to include all of the expected features within the first release.
The Product Owner believes if they remove some items from the Definition of Done they will be able to accelerate the development process. The Development Team objects to this idea as it will lead to technical debt.
As a Scrum Master, what would be the best two ways to explain to the Product Owner the impact of technical debt?
(Choose two.)
a) As long as there is still technical debt in the current release, feature development for the next release cannot be started. The Product Owner must first agree to this impact before allowing changes to the Definition of Done.
b) Reducing the Definition of Done will introduce unknown errors as development progresses and functionality is added. The system can become more difficult to stabilize as work progresses. Development for the actual release as well as future releases will be slowed down in unpredictable ways.
c) Releasing the version upon a reduced Definition of Done creates false assumptions about the actual state of the system. This will create many interruptions during the development of the next release as fixes will need to be done to the previous release caused from a reduction of quality.
d) The amount of technical debt will need to be analyzed in order to understand the impact on subsequent releases in order to allocate additional Sprints at the end of the project.
02. Who should manage the tasks of Developers during the Sprint?
a) All answers apply.
b) The Scrum Master.
c) The Project Manager.
d) The Product Owner.
e) The Developers.
03. A new Product Owner has joined an existing Scrum Team that has been working together for eight Sprints.
The Development Team has grown to have a good understanding of the functionality and business for the product they have been building. The Product Owner, being new to the company, is unsure about his responsibilities.
As a Scrum Master explain what two acceptable ways of helping the Product Owner would be.
(Choose two.)
a) You advise the Product Owner to start building a good relationship with the stakeholders of the product. Ongoing interaction with them is important to regularly align with changing organizational or market expectations. The Product Owner is also expected to invite the right stakeholders to the Sprint Review meeting.
b) You inform the Product Owner that, in today's highly competitive markets, it is important that the Development Team is updated on changing business priorities on a daily basis. The Daily Scrum allows the Development Team to adapt to the changes in scope without delay.
c) You tell the Product Owner to make sure that there are no ambiguities or possible misunderstandings in the items on the Product Backlog when they are handed over to the Development Team. This is best done by capturing the functional requirements during an analysis phase, resulting in documents that are considered as the working product of such analysis Sprints.
d) You advise the Product Owner to rely on the Development Team and the stakeholders to formulate the Product Backlog, as they are the ones most knowledgeable. By asking questions and working with them the Product Owner will quickly be up to speed.
04. What is management's role in Scrum?
a) To provide the necessary environment and support needed as defined by the Scrum Guide by providing insights and resources that help the Scrum Teams continue moving forward.
b) Identifying and removing people that are performing poorly.
c) Monitoring skill levels of the Development Team.
d) Monitoring the Development Team's velocity.
05. By the end of the Sprint, a Product Backlog item in the Sprint Backlog does not meet the team's Definition of Done. What two things should happen with the item?
(Choose two.)
a) It will be inspected at the Sprint Review and if it is acceptable by the stakeholders then include it in the Increment.
b) Do not include the item in the Increment for the Sprint.
c) Split the item and add the estimation of the completed work to the current Sprint so not to impact the velocity and add the "undone" work to the next Sprint
d) Estimate the remaining work needed to make it "done" and add it to the Product Backlog for the Product Owner to decide what to do with it.
06. Peter, a Project Manager, has raised concerns about your Scrum Team's productivity and progress towards the objectives. Which is the best way to respond to Peter's concerns?
a) Share the Product Backlog, the projections towards the release dates and ensure that Peter has access.
b) Show the Profit & Loss (P&L) report.
c) Share the current impediments.
d) Share the last stakeholder status report prepared by the Scrum Master.
07. A Scrum Master is not only a servant-leader to the Scrum Team and organization, it's also considered a management position.
Which three activities describe what a Scrum Master manages as reflected by the Scrum Guide?
(Choose three.)
a) Reporting on the performance of the Sprint.
b) The way Scrum is understood and enacted within the organization.
c) Managing the capacity and utilization of each Development Team member.
d) Managing the process in which Scrum is applied.
e) Managing the Product Backlog items and work in the Sprint Backlog.
f) Removing organizational impediments that limits the team's progress and productivity.
08. How much work must Developers do to a Product Backlog item they select for a Sprint?
a) An equal amount of time on analysis, design, programming, testing and documentation.
b) As much as they have informed the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item they select in conformance with the Definition of Done.
c) All development work and at least some testing.
d) As much as they can fit into the Sprint. Any remaining work will be moved to a subsequent Sprint.
09. What would likely happen if management only changed the organization's current terminology to fit Scrum without the proper understanding and support of Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide?
a) Very little change will happen as the vocabulary in Scrum is specifically defined for implementing Scrum.
b) The organization may not realize the real benefits of Scrum as there would be no real change on the way the teams work.
c) Organizations may feel less stressed as the behaviors would remain familiar to management.
d) All answers apply.
10. Steven, a Scrum Master, has been hired by an organization that is new to Scrum. He has been invited to meet the IT and product management team to kick-off the project.
During the meeting the Product Owner asks how many Sprints will be needed to address the entire architecture and infrastructure before working on the features for the new product.
What are the two best responses for Steven to explain how such work is handled in Scrum?
(Choose two.)
a) You explain that product management should not worry about technical solutions. You inform them that the developers will work with the IT department when needed and keep the Product Owner updated on additional time required for each Sprint. The additional effort will be added to the top of the Sprint Backlog before Sprint Planning.
b) You explain that it is more effective when architecture and infrastructure emerge alongside the development of business functionality. The additional advantage is that business value is created more quickly and earlier.
c) You confirm that architecture and infrastructure is needed before starting on business functionality but the estimated budget will be difficult to estimate. You suggest that the first Sprint will be dedicated towards building the technical foundation in order to get an accurate estimation for any additional budget and time required.
d) You coach the Product Owner and Development Team to add this work to Product Backlog to ensure transparency, have the Development Team estimate the work and do this in early Sprints while also creating some business functionality in the early Sprints.


Question: 01
Answer: b, c
Question: 02
Answer: e
Question: 03
Answer: a, d
Question: 04
Answer: a
Question: 05
Answer: b, d
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: b, d, f
Question: 08
Answer: b
Question: 09
Answer: d
Question: 10
Answer: b, d

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