PSPO III Certification Exam Sample Questions

PSPO III Dumps PDF, Professional Scrum Product Owner Dumps, download PSPO 3 free Dumps, Professional Scrum Product Owner exam questions, free online PSPO 3 exam questionsYou have to pass the PSPO III exam to receive the certification from To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this Professional Scrum Product Owner sample questions. Our Sample Professional Scrum Product Owner III Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the PSPO 3 exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium Certified Professional Scrum Product Owner III (PSPO III) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual PSPO III Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of Professional Scrum Product Owner III exam questions. Professional Scrum Product Owner Sample Questions:

01. In Scrum, which Values support an empirical approach?
(Select two)
a) Focus
b) Openness
c) Respect
d) Courage
02. A facilitator in a Scrum team helps to __________ communication among team members.
a) restrict
b) monitor
c) enhance
d) record
03. How can a Product Backlog be made transparent?
(Select two)
a) Through regular refinement and review
b) By restricting access to the Product Owner only
c) By keeping it up-to-date and accessible to all stakeholders
d) By changing it frequently without communication
04. Self-managing teams thrive on __________, which allows them to adapt to changing requirements.
a) strict guidelines
b) uniformity
c) external control
d) autonomy
05. Agile portfolio planning is characterized by:
(Select two)
a) Predictive planning for several years
b) Regular review and adaptation
c) Emphasis on value delivery over adherence to schedules
d) Isolation of teams to avoid distractions
06. Effective communication with stakeholders in Scrum involves:
a) Providing information only at project completion
b) Frequent collaboration and open dialogue
c) Limiting stakeholder feedback to initial planning stages
d) Sharing detailed technical documentation regularly
07. Which of the following are important in the 'Cloud Application Discovery' process?
(Select two)
a) Assessing cloud service scalability
b) Ignoring security requirements
c) Choosing the cheapest option
d) Understanding organizational needs
08. Design Thinking in business strategy primarily contributes to:
a) Reducing costs and time to market
b) Focusing solely on aesthetics
c) Eliminating the need for prototyping
d) Understanding and addressing user needs and problems
09. Which of these are measurement areas in Evidence-Based Management?
(Select two)
a) Unrealized Value (UV)
b) Current Value (CV)
c) Time spent on tasks
d) Number of features completed
10. How should a product vision be used in relation to the product backlog?
a) To guide the prioritization of backlog items
b) As a rigid checklist
c) It should not influence the backlog
d) To dictate exact specifications


Question: 01
Answer: b, d
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: a, c
Question: 04
Answer: d
Question: 05
Answer: b, c
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: a, d
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: a, b
Question: 10
Answer: a

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